Strategic Legal Counsel for Businesses in Rockwall
When you start a business, your biggest concern may be whether your product or service will be profitable. You may spend a significant portion of your time crunching numbers, determining how much it will cost to get your business up and running, and how long it may be before you begin to see substantial revenue. Alternatively, you may be considering purchasing an established business because you believe you have the capital resources needed to see a large return on your investment.
However, many of your eventual concerns may be legal, rather than financial—and you might not be aware of these concerns unless you have an experienced professional by your side. At The Cramer Law Group, our attorney has 30+ years of experience representing all types and sizes of businesses. Mr. Cramer can help you anticipate issues, select the most appropriate entity, protect your business from liability concerns, handle disputes, and much more.
Understanding Business Law
Business law is defined as the creation of new businesses.
It includes all of the obstacles that may arise with an established, government, or new business, including:
To maximize your business’s likelihood of long-term, exponential growth, call (972) 833-8330 or contact us online for a complimentary evaluation.
What Our Attorney Can Do for Your Business
Behind every smart business transaction is a highly skilled and experienced lawyer. If you are unsure whether you need counsel or representation for your business law matter, know that the most successful businesses invest in the highest quality legal services before making a substantial decision.
For some of our clients at The Cramer Law Group, we step in to assist with high-stakes transactions. For others, we provide day-to-day guidance, protecting them from liability risks and costly disputes. No matter the size or structure of your business, investing in our support can greatly improve your odds of long term success.
Mr. Cramer can perform all the following services for your business, and more:
Create a new LLC or other type of business entity
Understand the fundamentals of your industry, business model, and entrepreneurial goals
Provide insight into the various subsections of business law, including corporate law, partnership law, sales law, securities law, and more
Inform you regarding the different types of business entities, their tax implications, and which entity may be right for your business
Anticipate legal or financial obstacles that may accompany any given decision or transaction
Draft and review complex documents, such as security agreements, loan agreements, promissory notes, and more
Provide remedies when a borrower or client defaults on payment of loans, goods, or services
Ensure your business complies with local, state, and federal business regulations and statutes
Represent your interests during mergers and acquisitions
Negotiate with other parties to obtain deals that advance your business’s best interests
Develop short-term and long-term legal and financial plans
In essence, Mr. Cramer’s business law services are comprehensive. Since 1994, we have provided nothing short of exemplary counsel and representation for sole proprietors and business entities throughout the state of Texas, and we look forward to providing you with this same level of support.
Give our office a call at (972) 833-8330 or contact us online. We can schedule same-day appointments, and we provide services in English or Spanish.